“We trialled Tonisity Px this summer in one of our farrowing sectors which included 110 litters. Tonisity Px helped us to save all the piglets and improve their condition and weight. Tonisity Px is very easy to use. All piglets consumed it with great pleasure. After the transition to the growing sector these piglets were larger than the ones from another sector. Mortality rate also decreased. We recommend using Tonisity Px if you want to save piglets and improve production results on the farm”
Jul 10, 2018

“I have been giving Tonisity Px to all my piglets from the 2nd to the 8th day, since September 2017. I am seeing a clear reduction in mortality, especially in sows of row 1 and 2 (33% improvement). On average I wean one extra piglet per sow per year, which gives me a very good return on investment”
Jul 10, 2018

“I have been giving Tonisity Px to piglets from the 2nd to the 8th day of life, as well as on the smaller ones in post-weaning. The pre-weaning mortality is about 7.5% with piglets on Tonisity Px. Overall, I can see that piglets are much more lively and energetic and in effect eat more creep feed. Since May 2018, I have started giving Tonisity Px to piglets when they arrive to the farrowing room and I have seen an immediate effect on their appetite. This is obviously very important for the beginning of lactation”
Jul 10, 2018

“I have been giving Tonisity Px from the 2nd to the 8th day of life and at weaning. I clearly see that the piglets are more energetic and lively. In post-weaning, their start has been much better, and they have showed a greater appetite. In general, they are more homogeneous, and I see less fall behinds. With the first batches, I recorded 8 kg extra live weight for the same age at the end of the fattening period, when compared to previous batches that did not receive Tonisity Px. The first 1,100 pigs that received Tonisity Px in the farrowing house had an average carcass weight of 97 kg at 176 days, and their weight gain from weaning to market was improved by 11% when compared to the results of the previous semester.”
Jul 10, 2018

“I give Tonisity Px to all my piglets. They have been growing faster and stronger since I have been using this product. All my piglets receive Tonisity Px from the day they are born. In general, piglets are showing better colour, faster growth and with ongoing health. Even smaller piglets on Tonisity Px are catching up with larger piglets in the litter. Visitors who come to the farrowing house say all the time “these piglets look very strong and healthy”. I am very positive with Tonisity Px and our staff are very happy to be working with this product
Jul 10, 2018

“I had problems with newborn pigs, they started to lose weight and became unequal. With Tonisity Px piglets are more lively, happier and equal. I use Tonisity Px from Day 1 and piglets love to drink it. With Tonisity Px piglets start to eat dry food earlier and gain weight faster. I am very satisfied with Tonisity Px, my pigs love it and I recommend it to each pig breeder – your piglets will be very grateful”
Jul 10, 2018

“I have been using Tonisity Px during the first week of life (Days 2-8). The solution is easy-to-prepare, and I have observed that from as early as Day 2, all piglets seem to really enjoy it! I have even noticed that smaller piglets seem to go for it. Overall, I have seen an improvement in digestive health and a reduction in pig mortality. It is also apparent that piglets are visibly more homogenous at weaning and post-weaning because smaller pigs are given the opportunity to catch up. I have also tried Tonisity Px on other piglets who were weaned early at 7 days, and found their start went a lot better”
Jul 12, 2018

“The piglets received Tonisity Px in the first week of life, between Days 2 to 8, and the week before weaning, as a gruel with feed. This product is very easy to prepare and distribute. I generally mix the powder with water at about 22-24 °C. The product tends to be palatable and well consumed, and after 3 days the piglets actually wait for me to give it. I can see that the smaller piglets benefit the most and I have far fewer fall behinds at weaning. I also manage to reduce mortality before weaning, and weaning weights have greatly improved”.
Jul 12, 2018

“I like Tonisity Px as it gives uniformity to the piglets. Compared to the milk replacer I use, at the beginning it did not show big difference. But I could see more uniformity among piglets and the difference was getting bigger as the pigs continued to grow. I will definitely continue to use this product.”
Jul 12, 2018

“I gave Tonisity Px during the first week of life and at the time of weaning in the form of gruel. I found the solution very convenient to use and distribute. It is much easier and cleaner than artificial milk. The piglets consume the solution well, even from the second day of life. The gruel is also very palatable, and therefore the transition to post-weaning is much easier. The gruel facilitates intake and the amount of feed consumed per piglet is higher. As a result, I am able to save small piglets whilst post-weaning weights are also improved”.
Jul 12, 2018

“There was a slight increase in weaning weight with the trial group, but what we found interesting was the difference in mortality rate, which was 20% in the control group and only 6% in the Px group. Also, there was less incidence of diarrhea. What was not as obvious in the result is that many of the fall behinds we had at weaning were able to catch up at the nursery. We also observed that there wasn’t much of a weaning lag. So we are definitely happy with the results!”
Mar 03, 2019

“We started testing Tonisity in one of our farms in April 2018. After solving some issues related to water quality, we decided to use the solution on a farm with an average 11% pre-weaning mortality. Our first observations were made on the smallest piglets with a body weight at birth below 1 kg. These piglets represent about 20% of the total born, and they have a higher pre-weaning mortality (PWM) than the rest. During our trial on 218 piglets in total, the PWM was 26% in the control group and 21% in the Tonisity Px group, meaning almost 20% reduction in PWM. Also, the total mortality from birth to 40 days of age in those small viable piglets was reduced by 25% with the use of Tonisity Px. We have observed that these small viable pigs could catch up very more effectively and their weaning weights were improved by 250 grams, or almost 7%, with the use of Tonisity Px (5.55 kg vs. 5.20 for the control). This means we managed to get more piglets, and they were heavier at weaning. Due to this improvement, the overall herd performance has also been improved. On average, we had 11.50 % PWM in 2018 but after we started testing Tonisity Px, it has consistently been reduced. In the last batch where all piglets (not only the small ones) were given Tonisity Px, the PWM went down to 6.6%. We are definitely happy with the result and are now expanding the use of Px to the rest of the farms in our group. I think that Tonisity Px is working very well for us and we have now found a good solution for our farms. Also, as we have improved our number of live born, we see more usefulness of Tonisity Px.”
Mar 03, 2019

“Tonisity Px is very good. I like it. The piglets really like the solution and play with it. They finish all the Tonisity Px given, unlike the “P” product. My manager also told me that the piglets look super healthy! Round, robust and with good color. We became interested in Tonisity Px during the Philippines launch in October 2018 at the Pinoy Pork Challenge. So, I contacted Dr. Chu for a trial, and we compared it with another product that is administered at a similar period. We allocated 17 sows to each group: Tonisity Px, Product “P” and a control. The average litter size was 11.76 born alive for Tonisity Px, 10.06 for Product “P” and 11.88 for the Control. We observed that the pre-weaning mortality was 5% for Tonisity Px, 8.8% for P and 7.9% for Control. This is 43.2% improvement over P product and 36.7% over the control group. Adjusted 30 days weaning weight was 8.04kg for Tonisity Px, which is higher by 2% than P product (7.88kg) and 10.4% over the control group (7.20kg). Because there were more born alive per litter in the Tonisity Px group, it had the highest number of small piglets called “Class C” (= from 0.8 to 0.9 kg). There were 7% of Class C in the Tonisity Px group, 4.7% in the “P” group and 3.5% for the control. We observed that the trend was reversed at the weaning stage, where Tonisity Px had a higher number of Class A (7.60 kg and above). There were 44.7% of piglets with Class A with Tonisity Px, compared to 40.4% for P and 36.6% for the control group. And for Class B (7.00 to 7.59 kg) we recorded 22.1% for Tonisity, 18.6% for P and 17.7% for the control. As a result, there were less of Class C piglets (6 to 6.9kg) for Tonisity Px (33.1%) than in the 2 other groups (41% for P and 45.7% for the control). We also looked at the scouring incidence. There were 19 cases in the Tonisity Px group, and all of them recovered in 2-3 days. The scouring was more severe in the other 2 groups: we recorded 46 cases in the P group (2 of them did not recover) and 41 cases for the control group, of which 4 did not recover. In overall, we have much better result and it also cost us less money. It;s very good. We will put Tonisity Px in our regular program.”
Mar 25, 2019

“Tonisity Px supplies energy for the piglets in a very critical phase of their life. We see that the piglets are happy to get the Tonisity Px-solution. The piglets are more actively searching the sows udder and this stimulates the sows milk production. We find the product easy to use, and would like to recommend it to other piglet producers.”
“Tonisity Px gir energi til spedgris og smågris i en svært kritisk fase. Vi opplever at grisen liker produktet og er med på å øke melkeproduksjonen ved mer aktivitet på juret. Vi synes at produktet er veldig renslig å bruke, og anbefaler andre å prøve det.”
Apr 17, 2019

“We have been testing Tonisity Px on 2-8 day old piglets in 226 litters (3093 piglets). Normally, piglets get diarrhea after day 7 (we give a milk replacer supplement) but after using Tonisity Px, there are just a few piglets that got diarrhea! In this case, I was able to reduce my medication cost significantly. Tonisity Px also works very well for piglets infected with the PED virus. The Pre-weaning mortality rate reduced from a range of 20-50%, down to 10%. In addition, the piglets recovered from PED within 2-3 days. Before now, it would take them minimum 1-2 weeks. I also gave it to small piglets, and I saw that they were then able to gain weight at the same rate as the heavier piglets. Tonisity Px improved our performance in the farrowing house by reducing pre-weaning mortality and increasing weaning weight. We also got an extra 140 grams per piglet at weaning!”
Apr 23, 2019

“In our farm we are working with DanBred genetics. The average live born piglet per sow is approximately 15-17 but occasionally we have over 20! For a long time, the problem was mortality in the farrowing house between 1-3 days of age. I was very excited when I heard about Tonisity Px because I haven’t yet seen a product like this. Since I apply Px to all litters, we can keep piglets alive more effectively! Animals drink it actively from day 2 and it’s easy to fit in our existing system. At last but not least, piglet mortality has already been reduced from 15,7% to 12%.”
May 08, 2019

“In our swine operation, it is very important to save newborn and weaned weaklings, and so I was very open to trying Tonisity Px. We tried the Px solution in the weak litters from day 2 to day 8 and also in the weaned weakling groups in the form of Px gruel. I was amazed to see the intake volume of Px by weak piglets. Px helped us to both save more piglets overall and to recover the growth performance of weaned weaklings, thereby generating more profit for us! We are using Px to save the light pigs, and we’ll continue to use it as often as we need to.”
May 08, 2019

“My reliable advisor F. Tamás (from NeoCons) informed me of the incredible advantages of using Tonisity Px, but I wanted to see if the product would actually work on my own farm. I gave Px to my piglets from day 2 until day 8 as prescribed in the farrowing protocol. At weaning, I noticed that we have +1,0 more pigs per litter on average compared to before. Tonisity Px helps me to work more efficiently. Thanks Tonisity!”
May 08, 2019

“We used to give piglets 7 things during in farrowing house, such as artificial colostrum, an electrolyte solution, a vitamin solution, a protein drink, antibiotics and an anticoccidial drug. The piglets still suffered; they got diarrhea, experienced late recovery, weakening the small pigs and even some died from PED. The pre-weaning mortality rate at that point jumped to 30-50%. When we started giving Tonisity Px to them, they recovered from the diarrhea very quickly! After 2-3 days, the pre-weaning mortality was reduced to less than 10%. The piglets are stronger, eat feed earlier, and increased their weaning weight by 0.3 kg on average. In addition, the heavier piglets became even stronger, providing an easier transition through weaning. We were even able to reduce the fattening period by 1-2 weeks! Now, we give only anticoccidial drug and Tonisity Px to the piglets which has reduced our medication cost and labor effort. So far, we have used Tonisity Px for one year and will continue to use it.”
May 15, 2019

“I distribute the Px from Thursday to Wednesday to help with the consumption of food. I observe that piglets grow faster than others. The 500mL quantity in the pans are quickly consumed. Before weaning, I distribute Px for 3 days in porridge form. I have observed a very good consumption here as well. Of 1,800 weaned pigs, 240 received Tonisity for 10 days and afterwards I noticed an additional 650 grams/piglet.”
Jun 21, 2019